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Does anyone know where I can find a reasonably priced person who can cover some seat cushions on my outdoor furniture - and maybe supply the material as well.

La Marina

Brilliant upholsterers - Fabric Flair. Contact Kim or Rick on 625716063. Tell them that Geoff with the blue vinyl chair recommended them. They did an excellent job. Geoff.

Commented Geoff in La Marina 2012-10-05 16:36:58 UTC

We've just had a bespoke doorstop/draught excluder made by a young woman called Amabel just setting up, she seems very good. I don't have a number for her but her email address is
[email protected]

Commented Maz in Quesada 2012-10-06 17:48:23 UTC

Thank you both, very much - will check both of them out,

Commented Josie in La Marina 2012-10-07 12:27:16 UTC

Hi, I need to get a tub chair upholstered and have the material , can you let me know how you got on?
Or even recommend another person for this job
Thank you

Commented cybcar in Fuengirola 2012-11-20 09:37:02 UTC

cybcar -Brilliant upholsterers - Fabric Flair. Contact Kim or Rick on 625716063. Tell them that Geoff with the blue vinyl chair recommended them. They did an excellent job. Geoff.

Commented Geoff in La Marina 2012-11-20 09:44:29 UTC

I used Rob of R & A Upholstery, he did a brilliant job & great price, so good my neighbour's had theirs done as well.

Commented Josie in La Marina 2012-11-20 11:09:20 UTC

Thank you for all your help, for R&A upholsters, tried to google without success, do you have a number or email address.

Commented cybcar in Fuengirola 2012-11-20 11:37:40 UTC

Hi cybcar
R & A number 965 319 227 - mobi. 638 283 910. No e.mail address on his card but you should be able to get him on one of these no's.

Commented Josie in La Marina 2012-11-20 17:02:14 UTC

Brilliant , thank you for the research.

Commented cybcar in Fuengirola 2012-11-20 17:23:41 UTC

Hi Geoff, I have just seen that Ric and Kim are up in Almoradi ( Alicante )
I am down Fuengirola way, do you possible have ( ar anyone) have a contact for reupholstering furniture.
Thank you

Commented cybcar in Fuengirola 2012-11-29 15:02:20 UTC

Are you looking for an upholsterer in Fuengirola? I ask because that's 250 miles from here, so I've no knowledge of that area.


Commented Geoff in La Marina 2012-11-29 15:14:08 UTC

Yes Geoff, sorry thought this was a site for Fuengirola ( as its in the title)
Hopefully someone will know of a good person in my area
Tks again Peter

Commented cybcar in Fuengirola 2012-11-29 15:28:57 UTC