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Independant Home Care/Assisted Living/Live in Care/Surveillance health care

Care Services for the retired or those impaired in that we provide home care assistance in your existing home or provide respite care assistance when your existing carer needs a break. This service can be also provided if you want to go outside your country for a holiday. It also means that if you have a loved one who may have medical conditions and you would like them to join you in your adopted country, we can provide suitable accommodation or arrange the necessary help needed.

There are several good reasons for home care. Many people prefer home care to any other option. Home is a place of emotional and physical associations, memories and comfort. Although many people can be happy in assisted-living facilities, retirement communities or nursing homes – and for many people these are better options – leaving home can be disruptive and depressing for some people.

Please contact us through our contact page on our web site www.kei-homes.com for further information, or telephone us on ++44 1494 700392/++34 680137429.

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