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What on earth is going on???

I seriously think the policia local need to get their act together,.....they, as we all know have a massive problem with certain forms of music being played in bars on the urb, but would they not be better off dealing with more serious problems?. I went out last night for a couple of beers to a friends bar, I was quite happily sitting there enjoying my pint and having a conversation, when all of a sudden there was a horrendous stench that made me feel physically sick,....this smell was being carried by the wind from a bar a few buildings away,....the smell I'm referring to was Marijuana, or to simplify cannabis!!,....this was not only someone smoking a single joint but from the frequency I can only say over a period of about 2 hours I smelt this on at least seven,...yes seven occasions!.....now yes I could have got up and said my goodbyes to the folk I was chatting to but why should I have to vacate my friends premises because of some other people breaking the law a few yards away? Now here comes the question,....Where were the police? why were they not loitering round the area of bars as usual? I can tell you why!! there was no loud music being played,.....This place is becoming unbelievable to live in!! You can't have loud music and certain bars can't have live entertainment,....but you can quite happily smoke pot while sat outside a bar and enjoy a beer........come on Jeff get your act together and get the police to do the jobs we expect them to do,....this is taking the P*ss!!!

Hi Bob. I second you on your posting. I take it you were down in the grey area?

Commented Alice in Rentals in Spain 2014-09-27 14:51:45 UTC

No,...not the grey area,....I have never witnessed any drug use round there

Commented r_moreton in La Marina 2014-09-27 15:28:12 UTC

Was most probably same place as I smelt it recently that being the strip. It is a filthy smell and should be stopped in public places. Someone said a guy sells it up there. Only hearsay though.

Commented Spanish Connections in Rentals in Spain 2014-09-27 16:10:02 UTC

All kinds of smoking should be prohibited in public places. It doesn't matter if it's outdoors or indoors.

Commented reindeer keeper in La Marina 2014-09-27 16:51:56 UTC

Well so its the Police Local,s Fault then what are they supposed to do open the car window and say looks like someone is smoking pot at a bar and hot foot it over there. Dont suppose if it bothered you that mutch that you gave them a call and reported it.

Commented david in La Marina 2014-09-27 17:25:31 UTC

Yes if you see and know that something illegal is going on you should call the police.

Commented reindeer keeper in La Marina 2014-09-28 09:52:57 UTC

The area I am referring to is the lower area of consum,....The police spend enough time round there checking if bars have loud music being played,.....I was once sat outside the hogs head for three and a half hours and the police were just stood on the corner opposite for at least three of those hours,...why because of the music and karaoke in several of the bars.
If they can spend that amount of time standing there doing nothing,..then what is wrong with occasionally walking past when there is no music being played? and for your information I did actually call the police,...did they respond to my complaint?,...did they chuff,...but I bet if I had reported some loud music they would have been there in a flash!!

Commented r_moreton in La Marina 2014-09-28 10:04:52 UTC


No need to shout if you had said that in the first place it would not have warrented a comment but you must think we are all clairvoyant and know exactly what you are talking about.

Commented david in La Marina 2014-09-29 07:42:04 UTC

Be a bit more positive snr Morton who sits outside a bar smelling cannabis..........much cheaper than buying it.

Commented dynosore in San Fulgencio 2014-09-29 08:13:33 UTC